Home of genesig® range
Items 25-36 of 61
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for PMCV
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for SGPV
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit, P.damselae-piscicida
genesig Standard Real-time PCR detection kit for SGPV
genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit for E.coli_stx2A_V0
genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit for E.coli_stx2f
genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit for F.psychrophilum
genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit for P.damselae
genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit for PMCV
genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit, E.coli O157:H7 v2.0
Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus
Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus