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MIQE Guidelines

During the past decade, several high-profile cases of faulty research have been linked to inconsistent real-time PCR techniques and experiments. In April 2009, Stephen Bustin, a molecular science professor at the school of medicine and dentistry at Queen Mary University of London, and an international team of nine scientists, joined forces and developed a set of guidelines for the publishing qPCR results. The resulting 'MIQE guidelines' outline the minimum information required to publish quantitative real-time PCR data with scientific integrity.

Primerdesign is cited in the MIQE guidelines because we share the same philosophy on primer sequences as the authors. We always offer the option to request the primer sequences with our custom designed assays as we believe that this is crucial to perform research with integrity.

We strive to make all of our products compliant with the MIQE guidelines and will always be on hand to guide and advise you in producing real-time PCR data of the highest quality. Download the MIQE guidlines


Download a laboratory notebook checklist version too here.


Also available for download here is the popular Primerdesign qPCR Experiment Planning Pad. This planning pad is ideal to help you prepare the strategy and design of your 96 well plates, leading to optimal qPCR experiments.